
Welcome to the Circle Stories podcast. In this podcast we aim to explore the stories within, between, and around the various circles we inhabit in our lives.

We are all members of numerous circles: family, friends, spiritual groups, work and professional, teams, hobbies, clubs, communities. A circle has a definition in mathematics: a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are a given distance from a given point, the center. Sounds pretty simple, and yet, think about the incredible adaptability of a circle. It can both expand and contract; confine and repel, absorb and expel. It has no angles or corners – no sharp points. However, at any single point in time it can still be measured and defined and labeled.

Carrying the mathematical circle concept another step, our lives can be depicted in a Venn Diagram. Each circle represents a part of our lives. Most will overlap to varying degrees and a few may remain disconnected and isolated.

The Circle Stories podcast will explore the stories of us. We are the stories.

Whether you’ve read or listened, or written or told a story; you have been touched, impacted, influenced, changed. You have laughed, cried, experienced loss, or exhilaration. Some stories stick with you. You can’t get them out of your head. Some stories speak to you. Some stories speak through you.

Stories surround us. We are bombarded by stories. Stories permeate our daily lives through the media and entertainment industry. Seemingly the same stories repeated over and over and over again. The cumulative impact of these can beat us down, tells us why we are not enough, tell us why we need more of everything to be happy. These stories are designed to manipulate, suggest, and even force a specific course of action; be more, do more, want more or you’ll never be enough.

But what if we told our own stories, to each other. Not scripted. Not for profit or personal gain. Not designed to manipulate. We are enough, and these are our stories.